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Qâf Scale Models Gozo

Qâf Models hija mfassla biex turi l-mudelli tiegħi, u turi kif nibnihom u nimmodifikahom. Hija wkoll pjattaforma għar-ritratti u l-istampi tiegħi.

Ħjiel dwar kit ta 'mudell jibnu modifiki, ċirkwiti elettroniċi, u l-komponenti tagħhom.

Ħjiel dwar airbrushing, tagħmir u Kura.

Diskussjoni dwar airbrush u żebgħa bl-idejn, primers u verniċ.




  • Discussions and advice on using airbrushes, hand painting, types and use of primers, and varnishes.

  • Provide a platform to help each other.

  • Forum for discussions, advice, and support on all aspects of scale modeling, painting, and modifications.

  • Provide a platform for my other hobbies and interests.

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