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  • Linux Shell | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Linux Command Line The Linux command line is a text interface to your computer, it is a computer program that interprets commands. Allowing users to execute commands by manually typing at the terminal or has the ability to automatically execute commands which were programmed in ‘Shell Scripts’. The shell is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and presents them to the operating system to perform. On most Linux systems a program called ‘bash’ (Bourne Again Shell) acts as the shell program. Besides bash, other shell programs include ksh, tcsh, and zsh. ​ A terminal is a program called a ‘ terminal emulator ’. This program opens a window and lets you interact with the shell. There are several different terminal emulators, most Linux distributions supply a few, popular terminals are: ​ Gnome-terminal - is a free open-source terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop environment, terminal emulators allow users to access a UNIX shell while remaining on their graphical desktop. Like most of the terminal emulators in this group, it supports coloured text, a variety of themes, transparency, mouse interaction, multiple tabs, and the automatic rewrapping of text upon resizing. As well as supporting multiple profiles. ​ Konsole or Console - is a free open-source terminal emulator that is part of KDE and ships with the KDE desktop environment. Konsole is the default terminal emulator shipped with KDE. Being a KDE component, it provides the embedded terminal for many other KDE applications, including Konqueror, KDevelop, and Kate. Its features are like the default GNOME terminal but have enhanced bookmarking functions for directories and SSH. It also offers split terminals. ​ xterm - In computing, xterm is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. Users may have many different requests of xterm running at once on the same display, each of which provides independent input/output for the process running in it (normally the process is a Unix shell). ​ rxvt - is an acronym for ouR eXtended Virtual Terminal, it is a terminal emulator for the X Window System, and in the form of a Cygwin port, for Windows. ​ Guake – is one of a few terminal emulators with a ‘ drop-down ’ style interface, emerging from the top of your screen with the press of a hotkey. ​ Tilde – is another Quake-style drop-down terminal emulator, designed for Gtk. Its name is taken from the tilde key, the default key for invoking the Quake terminal. Tilda's default interface is extremely minimal, with no window title or border, but this can be changed in the preferences. And has several options for everything from setting key bindings, setting default size and colour, and scrolling preferences. ​ Terminator - is a terminal emulator designed to make positioning terminals within a single-window easier, it features including several key-bindings, saving of layouts, and the ability to type to multiple terminals at the same time. Mirroring much of the behaviour of the GNOME terminal. ​ Yakuake - another drop-drown terminal emulator, is part of the KDE family. If you like Konsole but prefer the Quake-style approach, this is terminal may be an option. ​ To start a terminal search through the list of programs to see if anything looks like a terminal emulator: ​ With KDE - the terminal program is called ‘ konsole ’ With Gnome - it is called ‘gnome-terminal ​ Opening a Linux terminal ​ To open the terminal, press : ​ Ubuntu and Mint - Ctrl+Alt+T gnome-terminal - press Alt+F2 , type in gnome-terminal , and press enter Raspberry Pi - type in lxterminal Linux Commands Basic Commands: pwd (password) - When opening a terminal, you are in the home directory of your user. To know which directory you are in, you can use the ‘ pwd ’.command. It provides the absolute path, which means, the path that starts from the root. The root is the base of the Linux file system. It is denoted by a forward slash ( / ). The user directory is usually something like ‘ /home/username ’. ​ ls (list) - use the ‘ls’ command to know what files are in the directory you are in, but to view hidden files use the command ‘ ls -a ’. ​ cd - Use the ‘cd’ command to go to a directory. So, if you are in the home folder, and you want to go to the Documents folder, then you can type in ‘ cd Documents ’, keep in mind, this command is case sensitive, so if you type documents, it will not work, you must type in the exact name of the folder. If you just type ‘ cd ’ and press enter, it takes you to the home directory. To go back from a folder to the folder before that, you can type ‘ cd .. ’. The two dots represent back. ​ mkdir & rmdir - use the mkdir command when you need to create a folder or a directory. For example, if you want to make a directory called ‘ Music ’, then you can type ‘mkdir Music’. Remember, as told before, if you want to create a directory named ‘ Music Albums ’, then you can type ‘ mkdir Music\ Albums ’. Use rmdir to delete a directory. But rmdir can only be used to delete an empty directory. To delete a directory containing files, use rm . ​ touch - the touch command is used to create a file. It can be anything, from an empty txt file to an empty zip file. Like, ‘ touch new.txt ’. ​ rm (remove) - use the rm command to delete files and directories, typing ‘ rm -r’ will delete just the directory. It deletes both the folder and the files it contains when using only the rm command. ​ man & --help - the man command allows users to find out more about a certain command and how to use the man command. It displays the manual pages of the command. For example, ‘ man cd ’ shows the manual pages of the cd command . Typing in the command name and the argument helps it show which ways the command can be used, such as ‘ cd –help ’. ​ cp (copy) - the cp command to copies files through the command line. It has two arguments: ​ Location of the file to be copied Where to copy ​ mv (move) - the mv command moves files via the command line. It can also be used to mv command and rename a file. Such as, if we want to rename the file ‘ tinder ’ to ‘ fire ’, we can use ‘ mv tinder fire ’. It takes the two arguments, just like the cp command. ​ locate - The locate command locates a file in a Linux system, like the search command in Windows. This command is useful when you do not know where a file is saved or the actual name of the file. Using the -i argument with the command helps to ignore the case (it is not case sensitive). So, if you want a file that has the word ‘wolf ’, it gives the list of all the files in your Linux system containing the word when you type in ‘ locate -i wolf ’. If you remember two words, you can separate them using an asterisk (*). Like, to locate a file containing the words ‘wolf" and ‘ this ’, you can use the command ‘ locate -i *wolf*this ’. ​ Intermediate Commands ​ echo - the echo command allows us to move some data, typically text into a file. For example, if you want to create a new text file or add to an already made text file, you just need to type in, ‘echo beware, the wolf is at the door >> new.txt ’ . You do not need to separate the spaces by using the backward slash here because we put in two triangular brackets when we finish what we need to write. ​ sudo - is a widely used command in the Linux command line, sudo means for ‘SuperUser Do ’ . So, if you want any command to be done with administrative or root privileges, you can use the sudo command. For example, if you want to edit a file like viz. alsa-base.conf, which needs root permissions, you can use the command ‘ sudo nano alsa-base.conf ’ . You can enter the root command line using the command ‘ sudo bash ’ , then type in your user password. You can also use the command ‘ su ’ to do this, but you need to set a root password before that. For that, you can use the command ‘sudo passwd ’ ( not misspelled, it is abbreviated to passwd ). Then type in the new root password. ​ cat - the cat command is used to display the contents of a file. It is usually used to easily view programs. ​ nano, vi, jed - nano, and vi are installed text editors in the Linux command line. The nano command text editor denotes keywords with colour and can recognise most languages, vi is simpler than nano. You can also create a new file or modify a file using this editor. Like, to make a new file named ‘ cub.txt ’, you can create it by using the command ‘ nano cub.txt ’. You can save your files after editing by using the sequence Ctrl+X, then Y (or N for no). ​ tar - use tar to work with tarballs (files compressed in a tarball archive) in the Linux command line. It can compress or un-compress different types of tar archives like .tar , .tar.gz , or .tar.bz2 . It works based on the arguments given to it, like, ‘ tar -cvf ’ for creating a .tar archive, -xvf to untar a tar archive, -tvf to list the contents of the archive. ​ df - use the df command to see the available disk space in each of the partitions in your system. Type ‘ df ’ in the command line to see each mounted partition and their used/available space in % and in KBs. If you want it shown in megabytes, you can use the command ‘ df -m ’ . ​ du (disk usage) - the du lets you know the disk usage of a file in your system. If you wish to know the disk usage for a particular folder or file in Linux, you can type in the command ‘ df ’ and the name of the folder or file. So, if you want to know the disk space used by the documents folder in Linux, you can use the command ‘ du Documents ’ . You can also use the command ‘ ls -lah ’ to view the file sizes of all the files in a folder. ​ zip, unzip - is used to compress files into a zip archive, and unzip to extract files from a zip archive. ​ uname - Use uname to show the information about the system your Linux distro is running. Using the command ‘ uname -a ’ prints most of the information about the system. This prints the kernel release date, version, or processor type. ​ apt-get - using apt allows users to work with packages in the Linux command line. Users use apt-get to install packages. This requires root privileges, so the sudo command will also be required. Such as, if you want to install the text editor vim , type in the command ‘ sudo apt-get install vim ’ . Similarly, any package can be installed this way. However, it is prudent to update your repository each time you want to install new packages. This can be done by typing ‘ sudo apt-get update ’ . Upgrading the system you type ‘ sudo apt-get upgrade ’, and for distro upgrades, type ‘ sudo apt-get ‘ dist-upgrade ’ . The command ‘ apt-cache search ’ is used to search for a package. If you want to search for one, you can type in ‘ apt-cache search vim ’, but this does not require root command. ​ chmod - use chmod to make a file executable and to change the permissions granted to it in Linux. If you have a python code-named on your computer. You will need to run ‘ python ’ every time you need to run it. Instead of that, when you make it executable, you only just need to run ‘ ’ in the terminal to run the file. To make a file executable, you can use the command ‘ chmod +x ’ . You can use ‘ chmod 755 ’ to give it root permissions or ‘ sudo chmod +x ’ for root executable. ​ ping - is used to check your connection to a server, it is a computer network administration software utility that tests the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. When ‘ ping ’ is typed it checks if it can connect to that server and come back, and also measures the round-trip time then gives displays the details about it. Most users use this command to check their internet connection. If it pings the server the internet connection is active. ​ hostname - hostname provides your name in your host or network. It displays your hostname and IP address. Typing ‘ hostname ’ gives the output. While typing in ‘ hostname -I ’ gives you your IP address in your network.

  • Resistors | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Resistors Ir-reżisters huma komponenti elettriċi passivi b'żewġ terminali li jaffettwaw ir-reżistenza elettrika f'element taċ-ċirkwit. Fiċ-ċirkwiti elettroniċi, ir-reżisturi jintużaw biex inaqqsu l-fluss tal-kurrent, jaġġustaw il-livelli tas-sinjal, jaqsmu l-vultaġġi, jxaqilbu l-elementi attivi, u jtemmu l-linji tat-trasmissjoni, iżda għandhom ukoll applikazzjonijiet oħra. Hemm bosta tipi ta 'Resistor użati f'ċirkwiti elettroniċi. Ir-reżistenzi jew jikkontrollaw il-fluss tal-kurrent jew jipproduċu waqgħa fil-vultaġġ. Sabiex tagħmel dan, resister jeħtieġ li jkollu xi forma ta 'valur "reżistiv" jew "reżistenti". Għalhekk, ir-resistors huma disponibbli f'firxa kbira ta 'valuri ta' reżistenza minn frazzjonijiet ta 'Ohm (Ω) sa miljuni ta' Ohms. (...) Meta l-korp tar-reżistenza huwa kbir biżżejjed biex taqra l-istampar, bħal reżistenzi tal-enerġija, Valur tar-reżistenza, tolleranza, u klassifikazzjoni tal-wattage huma ġeneralment stampati fuq il-korp tar-reżistenza fil-forma ta 'numri jew ittri. Iżda l-biċċa l-kbira tar-reżisturi huma żgħar, dawn l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet huma murija bħala faxex ikkuluriti li jindikaw il-valuri reżistivi u ta 'tolleranza tagħhom flimkien mad-daqs fiżiku tar-reżistenza li jindika l-wattage rating tiegħu. (...) Kalkolu tal-Valuri tar-Resistor Il-faxxa kkulurita 'l-iktar fuq in-naħa tax-xellug' hija l-faxxa li hija l-eqreb għal ċomb ta 'konnessjoni bil-faxex ikkodifikati bil-kulur jinqraw mix-xellug għal-lemin kif ġej: Ċifra, Ċifra, Multiplikatur = Kulur, Kulur x 10 kulur f'Ohm's (Ω) Pereżempju, resister għandu l-marki kkuluriti li ġejjin. (...) (...) Ir-raba 'u l-ħames faxex jintużaw biex jiddeterminaw it-tolleranza perċentwali tar-reżistenza. It-tolleranza tar-reżistenza hija miżura tal-varjazzjoni tar-reżistenza mill-valur reżistiv speċifikat u hija riżultat tal-proċess tal-manifattura u mwassla bħala perċentwal tal-valur 'nominali' jew preferut tagħha. Tolleranzi tipiċi tar-reżisturi għar-reżisturi tal-film ivarjaw minn 1-10% filwaqt li r-reżisturi tal-karbonju għandhom tolleranzi sa 20%. Resistors b'tolleranzi inqas minn 2% jissejħu resistors ta 'preċiżjoni bir-resistors ta' tolleranza jew aktar baxxi, u b'hekk jiswew aktar. Il-maġġoranza ta 'ħames band resistors huma resistors ta' preċiżjoni b'tolleranzi ta '1-2% waqt li ħafna mill-erba' resistors band għandhom tolleranzi ta '5%, 10% jew 20%. Il-kodiċi tal-kulur użat biex jindika l-klassifikazzjoni tat-tolleranza ta 'reżistenza jingħata bħala wieħed minn dawn li ġejjin: (...) Jekk ir-reżistenza m'għandha l-ebda raba 'faxxa ta' tolleranza allura t-tolleranza awtomatika tkun ta '20%. Resistor b'marki tal-kodiċi

  • Pascal | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Kompjuter Pascal is a general-purpose, high-level language that was originally developed for teaching programming as a systematic discipline and to develop reliable and efficient programs. ​ Pascal is an Algol-based language and includes many constructs of Algol and Algol 60 is a subset of Pascal. Pascal offers quite a few data types and programming structures, making it is easy to understand and maintain Pascal programs. ​ Pascal is widely used in the teaching and academics arena for a few reasons: ​ Easy to learn. A structured language. Produces clear, efficient, and reliable programs. Can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms ​ Pascals features: ​ Pascal is a strongly typed language. Offers extensive error checking. Provides several data types like arrays, records, files, and sets. Provides a variety of programming structures. Supports structured programming through functions and procedures. Supports object-oriented programming. So why use Pascal? It allows programmers to define complex structured data types, build dynamic and recursive data structures like lists, hierarchies, search options, calculations, or graphs.

  • Tools | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Tools Whether they be scrap build or model kits there is a vast array of tools available to make and modify models. Before deciding what tools you need, decide what type of models you are going to build, a few are: ​ Scale model building, plastic model kits, have a magnitude of types, such as: Model military vehicles, figures, and terrain. Model aircraft. Model cars, commercial, and construction vehicles. Model rockets. Naval, ship models. Architectural models, cardboard, or high-density foam buildings. Model figures or busts. Rail transport modelling (probably the most well-known). Gundam models. Scenery to stage models. So, model building is not exclusively a hobbyist pursuit. The complexity of assembling representations of actual objects has become a career for numerous people. Some build models to commemorate historic events or commissioned to construct models using past events as a basis to predict future events of high commercial interest, while others work for the film industry. ​ In the 1950-60s, a relative built live steam engine models from scratch, and I can remember watching him work. The UK has an extremely high fraternity of live steam engine modellers, partly, I think to the vast community of steam engines/traction engines in the UK. There is a basic list of tools required to build plastic scale model kits, mine is: Sprue cutters – removing items off the sprue. Finer plastic cutters – trimming off excess. Scalpel handles or hobby knife – trimming and removing mold lines, cutting decals. I prefer scalpel handles and have: Numbers 3, 4, 5, 7 and a long scalpel handle that takes N◦.20/22/24 blades. But I use mostly the size 10 blades that have a sharp point. I have medical sharps boxes for the disposal of blades. Dissecting Forceps – plain dissecting forceps, I use a variety suited to handling models and decals, such as: Atraumatic – thumb style used for grasping delicate tissue. Adson – serrated jaws with wide, flat thumb grasp area used for delicate tissue. Artery clip – used to apply and remove scalpel blades from knife handles. I use a variety, but mostly: De Bakey Forceps. Dunhill Artery Forceps. Mosquito Artery Forceps. Various pliers –non-aggressive. Scissors – straight and curved, plus special scissors for decals. Toothbrushes – fine, medium, and hard. Marking pens – various. Alligator clips placed on barbecue skewers for airbrushing. Sanding sticks – various grades. Paint - as mentioned in the paint section, water-based acrylic paint is the most commonly used to spray plastic models. Paintbrushes - sizes of models vary greatly if you are interested in Warhammer 28mm figures or painting busts a good selection of paintbrushes is vital. They range in size, from 000 up. Specialised Equipment Among my tools, I have some specialised equipment that makes life a lot easier, such as my: ​ Vortex Mixer – I have used this to mix my paint for many years and it is fantastic and a godsend (as I have arthritis in most of my joints), I have just ordered a replacement as it eventually failed, not surprising really considering the amount of use it gets. ​ Food Dehydrator – I have one that heats to 80°C but tend to run it at 70°C, it has 10 shelves and a fantastic piece of equipment, large enough to get a 1:32 tank fully built easily. If you decide to get one make sure it is large enough, the smaller plastic dehydrators will not take anything big. We also use it to dry fruit, meat, and flowers. You must let the sprayed models dry to touch (about 20 minutes) before putting them in the dehydrator. But the dehydrator will cure primer, varnish, and laquear paint in 4 hours that would normally take between 2 to 3 weeks. And when using acrylic, I have completely sprayed a tank and weathered and built it in a day. Mine is ECO friendly and uses minimal electricity, it came with 10 stainless steel and 4 plastic trays. ​ Additional Air Compressor Tank – my air compressor has a 2.5L tank, which is fine, but I purchased an additional 5L air compressor tank just to keep the noise levels down when videoing in my workshop. Nova3D Printer – I use this to print replacements for damaged model parts or when designing terrain for my dioramas. ​ Colour Laser Printer – I rarely use decals from the manufacturers who make the model kits as I find them of poor quality, so, I either airbrush the design directly onto the model or scan it onto my computer, edit it (if required) and then print them.

  • Contact | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    KUNTATT Ejja nitkellmu (...) Tel: 44-07714014598 Ħossok liberu li tikkuntattjani jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet Suċċess! Messaġġ riċevut. Ibgħat

  • Computer | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    What is a computer? Computers are not really that mysterious. There’s no shadowy gremlin cycling his way around a treadmill to make it run. Although sometimes one feels there is a gremlin at work pulling the operating system or data apart. ​ Computers have evolved immensely since I started building them, moving from measly Kilobytes of RAM to Gigabytes. Floppy Drives made way for DVD Drives and now DVD Drives are virtually obsolete, Hard drives have also changed, from mechanical, hybrids, then Solid State and have increased in size, speed, and reliability. ​ I will discuss individual components, operating systems, networking, and driver/software programming later. What is a computer? ​ Well, it is several devices put together to make an electronic device that can manipulate and store data. They come in various formats, but the main are: ​ Desktop Laptop Tablets and Smart Phones Servers ​ Using the correct software, computers have the capability to process, store and retrieve data. Whether it be, a document, mathematical problem, spreadsheet, presentation, image, or video. They can be used to browse the Internet, send emails, video conferencing, play games, write computer language, and used to access online shops. A computer is made up of several parts: ​ Motherboard or Mainboard – The motherboard is the device that ties the computer’s components together and allows each component to communicate with each other using software and device drivers. Without the motherboard, none of the attached devices, such as the CPU, GPU, or HDD could interact. Central Processing Unit (CPU) – A central processing unit (CPU), also known as a processor, is located on the motherboard. Memory (RAM) – RAM is short for ‘Random Access Memory’ and while it may sound enigmatic, RAM is one of the most important elements of computing. It is the super-fast and temporary data storage space that a computer needs to access right now or in the next few moments. Hard Drive (HDD) – come in numerous speeds and sizes. These days, they are rated in Gigabytes or Terabytes and increasingly are now Solid State Drives as opposed to the older mechanical drives. Power Supply Unit (PSU) – A PSU converts mains alternating current AC into a low-voltage regulated direct current power supply that power the internal components of a computer. Modern personal computers universally use switched-mode power supplies. Some power supplies have a manual switch for selecting input voltage, while others automatically adapt to the mains voltage. Modern desktop personal computer PSUs conform to the ATX specification and often come with removable leads. Video Graphics Card (GPU) – A video graphics card (also known as display card, graphics adapter, or display adapter) is an expansion card that generates a feed of output images to a display device (monitor). Frequently, these are advertised as discrete or dedicated graphics, emphasizing the distinction between these and integrated graphics. At the core of both is the graphics processing unit (GPU), which is the main part that does the actual computations. Computer Case - Most people skimp on the case because they do not see it as an important commodity. My last case, lasted five years and is now a Linux server. It was a great case but lacked 200mm fan mountings and not large enough for the new generation graphics cards and did not facilitate water cooling. My advice is when purchasing a computer case buy a well-known dedicated gaming case that is suitable for expansion and water cooling options. ​

  • Networking | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Networking and Internet It is a computer network is a group of computers or servers that use a set of common communication protocols over digital interconnections for the function of sharing resources located on or provided by the network nodes. The interconnections between nodes are formed from a broad spectrum of telecommunication network technologies, based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency methods that may be arranged in a variety of network analysis situs. ​ Computer networks for the home and small business can be built using wired or wireless technology. In the past, a wired Ethernet has been the option is used in homes, but Wi-Fi wireless technology has improved greatly and is now commonplace. ​ Wired and wireless networks have advantages and disadvantages. They equally epitomise practical choices for home or other local area networks (LANs) and depend on the packages purchased by the user. ​ When possible, I prefer wired solutions as performance and security are better and more reliable. Wireless networks are convenient but can have performance and security issues. ​ Both have advantages and disadvantages. ​ Wireless networks allow devices to stay connected to the network but roam untethered to any wires. Access points amplify Wi-Fi signals, so a device can be far from a router but still be connected to the network. When connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot at a public place, café, hotel, airport lounge, the connection is with that business's wireless network. ​ Wired networks use cables to connect devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, or servers to access the Internet or additional network. A wired network has disadvantages when compared to a wireless network, the largest is that the device is tethered to a router. ​ Motherboards have at least one RJ-45 networking socket and some have integrated Wi-Fi adapters fitted. ​ A computer network is a collection of computers and/or hardware interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information. ​ It is where a device, computer or server sends or receives data to or from another device, computer, or server in a remote location. When connected, the two devices are said to be networked. A network is a group is the sum of computers, tablets, phones, laptops, and servers that are connected. Networks are organised in a diverse group of physiognomies, such as, the method used to carry the data and communications protocols. ​ Communication protocols define the rules and data formats for swapping information in a computer network and provide the basis for network programming. Router A router is a networking device that forwards data several layer packets between computer networks, such as files, communications, and transmissions. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, like web pages or emails, data packets, a packet is normally forwarded from one router to router through the networks that make up the Internet until it reaches its destination node. ​ Data packets have several layers, or sections, one of which carries identifying information such as sender, data type, size, and most importantly, the destination Internet protocol (IP) address. The router reads this layer, prioritizes the data, and chooses the best route to use for each transmission.

  • CMD | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    CMD - Command Promt Before Windows was created, the most usual operating system that ran on computers was DOS (Disk Operating System). ​ I can remember learning how to use DOS and still use it on a regular basis. ​ Over time, newer versions of Windows were developed, and DOS was finally phased out with Windows ME. However, even with Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11, the CMD (Command Line) in DOS (disk operating system) system still runs in the background, and a command line or command prompt window can still be opened. It has a similar appearance to DOS and can be a useful tool when diagnosing problems. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The command prompt/line is also used in Linux operating systems and many seasoned computer users use the command line as much as the graphical user interface. ​ Whether you are using MS Windows, macOS or Linux, there is a Shell, (Shell is a computer program that presents a command-line interface that allows you to control your computer using commands entered with a keyboard instead of controlling graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with a mouse/keyboard combination), Console window or the likes lurking in the background. Windows and Linux use different commands to access and use these Shells, so if you use both you will need to learn two types of command language. Using the Command Prompt or Dos Window ​ When people refer to the command prompt, they may refer to it in different ways. Some call it: ​ A Shell Console Window Command Prompt Cmd Prompt Terminal Command Line DOS ​ To find and open an MS-DOS prompt or Windows command line for the various Windows versions press the Window key and type CMD , this will highlight the Command Prompt , then click it to open the shell.

  • About | QâfModels hints and discussions on model building, modifications and air

    Model Building Ilni nibni kitts tal-mudell għal bosta snin u ħassejt li spiss hemm nuqqas fil-kwalità u d-dehra tagħhom. Dan is-sit juri wħud mill-metodi li nuża biex negħleb dawn in-nuqqasijiet. Jien ukoll niddisinja u nibni ċirkwiti elettroniċi biex intejjeb xi kitts tal-mudell u dioramas. Jien inħobb niddisinja u nibni mudelli ta 'settijiet b'dawl dinamiku, modifiki tal-ħoss u dioramas kienu possibbli Se nżid kanal tal-vidjow biex nuri kif naħdem, ċirkwiti li niddisinja u nirrevedi l-prodotti. Matul is-snin użajt ħafna tipi ta 'żebgħa, prinċipalment: Akriliki bbażati fl-ilma, Żejt ibbażat fuq, Laker, u Żebgħa tal-Enamel ibbażata fuq is-Solvent. Kull wieħed għandu vantaġġi u żvantaġġi .

  • Programming languages | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Kompjuter What are Computer programming languages? Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. Many human languages exist, there is also an assortment of Computer programming languages that programmers use to communicate with a computer. The portion of the language that a computer can understand is called a Binary. Translating programming language into binary is known as Compiling. Every language, from Pascal, C++, or Python, has its own distinctive features, although there are numerous similarities between each programming language. Computer languages permit computers to process large and complex lines of information rapidly and efficiently. There are lots of programming languages used in the industry today. The links below are three main languages I have used: ​ Pascal Python C++ HTML

  • Capacitors | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Capacitors Kondensatur jew kondensatur huwa komponent elettriku passiv b'żewġ terminali użat biex jaħżen l-enerġija b'mod elettrostatiku f'ċirkwit elettriku. Il-capacitors ivarjaw ħafna, iżda kollha fihom mill-inqas żewġ kondutturi elettriċi (pjanċi) separati minn iżolatur. Meta differenza potenzjali bejn il-kondutturi (meta capacitor huwa mwaħħal fuq batterija), jiżviluppa kamp elettriku madwar id-dielettriku, u jikkawża ċarġ pożittiv li jiġbor fuq pjanċa waħda u ċarġ negattiv li jiġbor fuq il-pjanċa l-oħra. Jekk batterija ġiet imwaħħla ma 'kapaċitatur għal ħin biżżejjed, l-ebda kurrent ma jista' jgħaddi mill-kapaċitatur. Iżda, jekk tiġi applikata vultaġġ li jaċċelera jew li jalterna (AC) tul iċ-ċomb tal-kapaċitatur, jista 'joħroġ kurrent ta' spostament. (...) Kondensur ideali huwa kkaratterizzat minn valur kostanti wieħed għall-kapaċitanza tiegħu. Il-kapaċitanza hija espressa bħala l-proporzjon taċ-ċarġ elettriku fuq kull konduttur għad-differenza potenzjali (V = Vultaġġ) bejniethom. Is-SI (Sistema Internazzjonali ta 'Unitajiet SI hija mqassra mis-Système international Franċiż (d'unités), il-forma moderna tas-sistema metrika) (...) Kondensatur Il-Kapaċitanza ta 'Kondensatur Il-kapaċitanza hija l-aspett elettriku ta 'kapaċitatur u tkejjel il-kapaċità ta' kapaċitatur li jaħżen ċarġ elettriku fuq il-pjanċi doppji tiegħu. L-unità tal-kapaċitanza hija Farad (F). Il-kapaċitanza hija definita bħala li kapaċitatur għandu l-kapaċitanza ta 'One Farad meta ċarġ ta' One Coulomb jinħażen fuq il-pjanċi b'vultaġġ ta 'volt wieħed. Il-kapaċitanza (C) hija kostantement pożittiva (+ ve) fil-valur, u m'għandhiex unitajiet negattivi (-ve). Madankollu, il-Farad hija unità ta 'kejl eċċezzjonalment kbira biex tużaha waħedha, għalhekk ġeneralment jintużaw sub-multipli tal-Farad, bħal mikro-farads, nano-farads, jew pico-farads. Unitajiet Standard ta 'Kapaċitanza Mikrofarad (μF) 1μF = 1 / 1,000,000 = 0.000001 = 10-6 F. Nanofarad (nF) 1nF = 1 / 1,000,000,000 = 0.000000001 = 10-9 F. Picofarad (pF) 1pF = 1 / 1,000,000,000,000 = 0.000000000001 = 10-12 F Bl-użu tal-informazzjoni ta 'hawn fuq tista' tiġi applikata tabella sempliċi biex tgħin tikkonverti pico-Farad (pF), nano-Farad (nF), mikro-Farad (μF), u Farads (F) kif indikat hawn taħt. Il-capacitors huma komponent kruċjali fil-Mudell tal-kit jibni b'dawl dinamiku u modifiki tal-ħoss.

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